KwaNTum Field Notes 2022 # 2: DiG/It/All Joo(N)k Join(T)

Sherese Francis
3 min readFeb 18, 2022
Image from Mississippi Encyclopedia

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 2:

(S)HRMNKS: Poetic Archeology

The Sermon on the Warpland

The Mumbo Jumbo

The (K)Loud Sound System that AtTracts the DaNKing Crowd


The poly




The tricky notes of Homer in an Underground

The Harmony of ruins

The DyNaMiKS of heard and unheard



NoTes I TooK

While watching DoKuMeNTaries and watching Two CaTs Nita and Tito

Created home with the sound in our bodies

Resonant energy within our body

Bernice Johnson Reagon

Relationship with element

Diphthong combining vowels

Vs grounding the vowels with a consonant percussive

God’s chemical laboratory of redemption

Karma Mayet

In tune in text


Coded Bias

Science fabrication

Aspire mirror

Narrow AI

Math chess intelligence: ability to win at games?

Data is destiny

Data relies on history Past dwells in algorithms

Weapons of math destruction

Math a a shield for corruption

Machine learning

Who owns the fucking code

Historical info to make predictions

Scoring system for probability

Blind faith in data

Futures already here

The punitive harmful tools on poor people first

We don’t know how algorithms work?

We create and then the creation becomes a mystery to us

Replication of the world: we already have machine models

Machine bias

Habit becomes instinct

Sound overheard overscrutinized

We are being watched

Deciding what we deserve: automating favor for the rich and powerful

Predatory industries compete for poor

We compete for rich

Data collection algorithms surveillance power


Sus things out we don’t disclose

What are they predicting

Can machines see us know us

Computers learn fast

I am making predictions for your life right now

Agent dub

Algorithmic game oppression

I am a black box

Value added model

I misclassify and can’t be questioned

What are these scoring systems

Recidivism risk

Gatekeeping of work through automation

Computer made in theory own image

We’re all being scored


Sometimes the human thing is not to do what you were programmed to do



Ethics allows for nuanced critical thought

Refugees from terror

Notion of criminality transformed

Crime as code for race dog whistle politics only you can hear

Law? and order?

War on drugs?

Backlash to civil rights

A series of associations

A series of lies

Agenda propagation of an idea

Subtextures subliminal messaging

Re re re re re re re alty

Standards. Norms. See the perspectives around the norm

Mass incarceration

Southern strategy to win at any cost

Cutting taxes

Abstraction of a concrete jungle

Don’t believe the hype

Programming on media

Fear as a programmer

Who is the super predator?

Policies that criminalized their own children


We make people their crimes

We have been programmed to be scared of ourselves

Primitive fear of the white imagination

Private stock prisons

Truth in sentencing Mandatory sentencing

Broken families

Criminalization of black dissent

Dis/sense against sensory deprivation against gatekeepers of sense

American legislative exchange council

Profit by any means

Corpses piling up Corpo/ration: the body’s knowledge

A steady influx of bodies to generate profit for shareholders

We rationalize death corpses that lay around us

Sb 1070

New permutations of a cancer

Privatization of our lives

Durable and reinvention of systems

Our entire country is a prison of surveillance and control

Community supervision

Our entire economy is prison labor

Wealth shapes outcomes

Redesigning of a caste system

Assembly of the chained

Projection of danger and guilt onto the screen of another’s body

But who is the projector?

Where is the movie coming from?

Didn’t appear out of nothing

But the product of a long historical process

Distortion of the screen

Why are you always stopping me?

The screen is your reflection

You are de/monster

Whose life is valuable

We humans seek the magnification of small rewards


40(0) Year Old Version


Find your own voice

Find your own vision

(K)RadhaMUS Prime


This year’s series of field notes will be a list of ComMendMeants exploring the idea of these programming codes as praise songs of the nature-based hybrid automaton Al Kym/Org. They are part of the process of my larger poetic project KwaNTum, which explores concepts of knowledge and knowledge-making from a Black, Afro-diasporic perspective, using ideas from STEM, Afrofuturism and the Black Speculative Movement.



Sherese Francis

Sherese Francis is a Queens, NY-based, Afro-Caribbean-American poet, editor, interdisciplinary artist, workshop facilitator, and literary curator.